Friday, January 16, 2009

Conan, the Librarian.

When I saw this "Pearls before Swine" yesterday, I chuckled. The juxtaposition of the generally held perception of librarians as orderly, quiet and meek with physical violence is funny stuff. My mom was a librarian, before she became a nun. Talk about Life in the Fastlane! Conan, the Barbarian, was a comic book hero of mine before Ah-nold portrayed him in the Hollywood version. Barbarians mean dis-order, boldness and a general disregard for civilization: the opposite of librarians. Anyway, for years, the verbal juxtaposition of those contrary concepts has been swimming around in my head as "Conan, the Librarian". Evidently, I'm not the first to have this thought:


Mr. Matt said...

Strange things are afoote at the Circle K.

superdave524 said...

Strange days, indeed.