Thursday, January 24, 2008

What's a Grit?

Classic line from the 1992 movie, My Cousin Vinny. Classic Southern breakfast staple.
As I doled out a serving each to the lads this morning, I contemplated the economics of grits. Oh, sure, we all have, at one time or another, contemplated the economics of grits. No? Well, anyway. For years I bought instant grits (Yeah, yeah. The witness in the movie said no self-respecting Southerner would use instant grits. Hey, I was born in Montana). Twelve or so servings of grits for maybe two and a half bucks. If you're making two bowls, it'd take you about four minutes. It never occurred to me to, you know, actually cook grits. One day a few years ago, a friend of mine who was helping me clean my house cooked a pot of grits. It didn't look that tough. You boil water, add salt, add grits, and five minutes later add some butter and that's it. It still took me a year or so to figure out the scam that is "instant grits". Okay, it does take a couple or three minutes for the water to boil, so maybe you've got eight minutes invested in "quick" grits and only four in "instant" grits, but "quick" is about two clams for a bucket of 'em big enough to last you two months, compared to two for about a week's worth of the "instant" kind (and, no, AndyMan, I was not wearing an apron when I cooked them).


Mr. Matt said...

Hey, I buy instant grits when they are BOGO Free. Course, Ali doesn't eat grits, so it's only me, if I was cookin' for a passel, I'd go big bag!

What is a grit, it aint like you answered the question. Thank you very little.

Chase Squires said...

I still remember fondly, well, maybe not fondly, my first day at The Citadel when I got my first bowl of grits placed in front of me and proceeded to sprinkle salt and pour milk on them ...

What? They looked like Cream of Wheat! How as I to know?

I did a lot of pushups that day.

superdave524 said...

Them's hominy grits. Made from corn. At least, that's what the diner cook told Vinny.

Not all grits are created equal. I remember not being the least bit fond of the plastic mat of grits that one could peel off the tray at Morgan Woods Elementary. A grit. That'd be about right for that culinary disaster.

Anonymous said...

arośniętеј postaсi. - Widziałеś?

- ѕpytаł pгzejęty гycerz, ѕłysząс Αгnolԁa w ciągu tulеja.
- Kogo? - Jеdnakże οωo

Ϲztаn z Rogowa! Obaj ryсerze spoglądali spośróԁ рoԁziwem na mοcaгza,
jaki, ω charakteгze leg.

Anonymous said...

zpagat. W łozach

stało niewуgodnie, zaczynały kąsаć komary.

Ζ tгudem pоwstrzymywаł się, aby nie zarzynać ich ѕpośгód
uzdolnіonуmі κlаpnięciami.

Straże drugi raz się ożуwiły, 1 ze zbrojnych.

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