Saturday, January 12, 2008

Computerman ate my pictures

It was a simple thing, really. My computer was running slowly, and I couldn't get it to accept i-Tunes. Got my computer back. All of my pictures are gone. Maybe 500 of them. Ireland: gone. London: gone. Disney: gone. Christmas: gone. Jack's Barb-B-Q in Woodbine, Georgia: gone (well, all except a vague sense of unease). I expressly told the dude to look out for my pictures, but, well, that's how it goes. I wasn't that upset. He's a pretty nice fellow, and I do get i-Tunes now. That's not what the rap dudes mean when they say, to "back that thing up", is it?


Chase Squires said...

All that porn? Gone??? Oh, man.

superdave524 said...

Hey, there was hardly any gay porn on there.

Mr. Matt said...

you can always recreate those pix with paintbrush. Butt next time, Back that thing up!