Friday, January 4, 2008


First appearances matter. Today was a first appearance at roll call at the Courthouse for some folks who will need to appear in criminal court. Hip-hop fashion was the rage. In addition to saggy pants and over-sized coats, a number of those in attendance wore "gangsta" clothing. One dude was wearing a coat which depicted a skeleton pointing a pistola. Another a Scarface jacket.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I ask you, is this the face of a killer?

Some of the people I represent actually did not do what they were charged with doing. A lot of them did. I think the Mary Kay Place character in "The Big Chill" (filmed in this area, by the way. Well, Beaufort, mostly, but that's close), explained that she left the public defender's office because, "I didn't expect them to be so... guilty". Not a surprise to me, but Geez, don't complain about being treated like a thug if you dress like one.


Mr. Matt said...

See even if they aren't guilty of "that" crime, they are taking a page out of Jan's book (the VP from the Office, season 2), "Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have!"

Chase Squires said...

I prosecutor I admired once told me, convicting the guilty people wasn't very hard ... it was convicting the innocent ones that took so much effort.

superdave524 said...

It's good to see a man with convictions. And Chase, some people are not guilty... nobody is innocent.

Mr. Matt said...

Ok, go get someone to vote for a new Andy, cause, I'm keeping fat "before" Andy until I reach a 25 vote total.

Lynne said...

AMan, you look great in any pic, but you would look much better with a Slam outfit !

kate said...

My students come to class dressed in Scarface shirts and a sixth grader once said he'd seen the movie 25 times.

I always send their asses home.

superdave524 said...

Kate, Andy, Amy, this teaching thing... are you all insane? I raise my kids 'cause I have to; you guys are willing raising other people's kids. Yikes!