Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ah, Domestic Bliss

At left are my twins, Tyler and Taylor, and their friend, Zach, enjoying hot chocolate in The Manor. Nice, peaceful scene, huh? The videogame they were playing is "Backyard Wrestling", which is an absolutely brutal game. Bloody, and extremely violent, the kids dig it the most. It actually is a lot of fun, too. Everybody's got lines to draw, and I do impose limits. The Grand Theft Auto series is a no go. Drug dealing, prostitution and random acts of murder with a wide assortment of weapons is not- at least in my opinion- a good thing for the lads to be soaking up. Difficult to deal with this when "all the other kids" got Grand Theft Auto two years ago. So, why allow Backyard Wrestling? As long as I'm not just cutting them adrift, I can discuss it with them, and spend time with them doing this (which also gives me a little capital with them to go on walks, shoot hoops and read with them). So, it's like a trade-off. Also, like I said, it's fun.


my friend Amy said...

Way to go Man/Mom. Parental control and hot chocolate in that order. Kids crave limits but they enjoy complaining about them even more.
I may however challenge "The Manor"; is there a new definition in the urban dictionary?
And BTW, chicks do dig a guy in an apron. No complaints about the steak but next time I'd much rather tuna on the gril, so it would be a win/win for both our causes. I'll mix up some blackening seasoning and pick another lemon.

Mr. Matt said...

See, told ya! Backyard rasslin, sounds fun, but remember it's just a game, don't be like Uncle Andy, talk about your feelings, don't whomp knots on someone's head!

superdave524 said...

Amy, I think "The Manor" is abundantly appropriate for my 1300 square-foot paradise. I'da prolly cooked you fish instead of steak last month if'n I'da knowed how.

AndyMan, I shall take your note under advisement.

Chase Squires said...

I dunno, I got Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, 'cause I'm a huge Miami Vice fan. Ask anyone, I am. So anyway, playing the game, like, it'd be I think edumicational for someone in your job ....

Here's how it works. Like, I get a mission to go to a location, pick up a package, and bring it back. And I vow, I'm just going to do the mission, score the points, and move on ... except ...

I get tired of walking, it takes way long, so I go to get into what looks like an empty car, and there's a dude in it, so I rip him out of the car, and he gets hit by another car, and while I'm trying to get back in, a cop sees me, and starts giving me lip, so I try to walk away, and he grabs me, and I swing at him, and he pulls a gun, and in self defense, I shoot him, then, like every cop in the freakin' city is after me, so I rip a chick from her car and shoot her, then get in a big car chase, end up running over a bunch of people in the mall parking lot ..

and the next thing you know, I'm holed up on the second floor of the mall with a rifle blasting cops ...

all I wanted to do was complete the mission and move ahead. I guess that's how some suspects end up in trouble, they weren't looking for it, it just found them.

I'm glad you're a public defender. Please help.

superdave524 said...

I never said GTA wasn't fun. Sadly, I'm not licensed in Colorado.

Mr. Matt said...

Now, that's quality blog action!