Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sew, A Needle Pulling Thread.

First of all, let me explain that I'll be watching- vigorously watching- college football later today. Aight? Okay, if we're clear on that, I'll cop to sewing last night. I'm really not sure which is worse: that I was sewing; or that I was sewing on a Friday night. Anyway, I lost a button on a shirt that wasn't yet in tatters. This isn't a very expensive shirt, but it had extra buttons on the bottom of the shirt-tail, so I assumed you're not just supposed to throw it away if you lose a button. I hate clothes shopping anyway, so I figure I'll take five minutes and sew on one of those extra buttons they give you. Wait. I don't have a sewing kit (at least there's that). Sew... er, "so" I scooted up to Walgreen's and picked up the cheapest kit they had- three dollars and fiddy cent.
To work I go. Ah, here it is. Hmmm. So-so sewing at best. Gas, time and money for the kit. And Belk's is having a sale. Now I am depressed. Maybe the Kids in the Hall can make it all better:


Chase Squires said...

... "Those aren't two pillows!!"

superdave524 said...

The red background there is actually a pirate bandana.

John in IL said...

As a young'un, I always thought the words were "tea, I drink with Jan and Greg" (from the Brady Bunch). It made perfect sense to me.

Love my mondegreens.

superdave524 said...

I like your version better, John. Also love the phrase mondegreens, which I had to look up. High school friend Ballard Waldon used to sing along with the Marshall Tucker Band "heard it in a love song... ten feet long". Er, Ballard, I think that's "can't be wrong".

John in IL said...

Here's one of my faves (featuring Alice and Prince Valiant).

Star said...

My husband WOULD throw away a shirt because a button was missing (if we weren't married anyway). I guess he really likes shopping.

You'll make someone a great wife someday SD :)

superdave524 said...

Funny stuff, John.

Yeah, yeah, Star. Stuff needs to be done. Ain't nobody else to do it.

Chase Squires said...

Yo, if you liked the "hick hop" of Rehab from the Bartender Song, thought you'd get a kick out of this story, same crew ... "Walk Away" ... no video, just the song, but it paints a pretty good picture. :-)

superdave524 said...

Pretty cool song, Chase (just don't let Andy hear it).