Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween: Let's Do the Time Warp Again.

Last night I watched on television The Rocky Horror Picture Show with one of the Lads. I tried to explain the thrill that a whole bunch of us felt thirty years ago taking sacks full of props to this movie at midnight many weeks in a row (actually, I think I only went six times or so). I pointed out where I- and most of the crowd- would shout pre-determined comments at the screen; where we would throw rice or toast or where we might squirt water pistols. I told him that, unlike many in the crowd, I never dressed in character, but I did do the Time Warp. I'd earlier told the Lads that they were a little too old to be Trick or Treating. Hmmm. Maybe not. Shoot, let's do the Time Warp again!


QuakerJono said...

Heh, I went with friends last Friday to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show with my friends at a local theater. They sold prop bags, had actors and served booze, so I was surprised I remembered as many of the lines as I did!

Happy Halloween!

Mr. Matt said...

I saw that on the tube and I'd forgotten that there was a time when Susan Serandame (not her real name) was hot! She was running around with her jugs jiggling, and I was like.... Well, I'd forgotten about that there.

superdave524 said...

I'm seriously contemplating catching the midnight show in ChuckTown, QJ. Happy Halloween right back atcha.

Ange, Tim Hutton still thinks she's hot.

Chase Squires said...

Oh, man, for my 16th bday, my old man took me and several buddies to the midnight show at the Exeter Theatre in Boston ... wotta freak show, I think my dad was stunned!

QJ, the "sold" prop bags ... oh fer goshsakes ... people are now too lazy and too commercialized to bring their own props????

SD, the lads must think you're insane.

Star said...

Some day I'm going to Fantasy Fest in the Keys. Who needs a costume or props when you can be painted from head to toe?

Dave: Your lads are not OLD enough for that Halloween party.

jrtnutt said...

Dave, Susan Sarandon is not with Tim Hutton. She is with Tim Robbins.

superdave524 said...

Chase, your dad musta been one cool dude. And on the pre-sold stuff: yeah. The illusion of organized originality was part of the fun. And my boys KNOW I'm insane.

Star, my babymamma sister used to live in Key West and I went to two Fantasy Fests. It is quite a party and really anything goes. One year back when I was in pretty good shape, I went in Conan the Barbarian suit. Now? Maybe Fred Flintstone. My lads have seen a lot, but I don't recken they'll be at a Fantasy Fest anytime soon.

Tam, I sit corrected. Got my Tim's crossed.

jrtnutt said...

dave, that's ok. Both Tim's are cute.

John in IL said...

Speaking of RHPS and cute Tims; I always thought Tim Curry was quite cute.

kate said...

Ahhh, the memories. I got compared to that wacky maid (what was her name?) all through high school.

I know. The hair.

So I went dressed up like her more than a few times on Halloween.

Why can't I remember her name? Too much drinky? Perhaps. But I can remember all the words to Time Warp. So that's something.

superdave524 said...

I was wondered where you were, John. Tim Curry was great in RHPS; not so iconic as the concierge in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

superdave524 said...

Magenta, Kate (now, did I spell that right?).