Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Ropers

I don't have lots of time to channel surf most days, but I did just that for a half an hour or so the other day, and caught an episode of the "Three's Company" spin-off The Ropers. You know, Jack Tripper and company's old landlords. Jeffrey Tambor was in it, at his creepy/funny best. Anyway, I tried to find a Ropers clip, but found this music instead. I liked it. Maybe you will, too.


Star said...

I wouldn't know who you're talking about. I wasn't allowed to watch Three's Company. Love Boat either. Or Solid Gold.

But we all know what happens to sheltered children...

Mr. Matt said...

Star, I seen all of those shows; you weren't being sheltered, you're parents love you, they were doing you a big favor!

On the other hand, I was never allowed to watch Shock Theatre or Creature Feature.

superdave524 said...

Truly, you didn't miss much, Star. Shoot, if you slept through the 1970's, you didn't miss much.

Andy, now you gone to lyin'. The only thing you ever watched after 11 pm was the inside of your eyeballs. The folks coulda told you you could rob banks after 11 pm and you couldn't've done it.

Mr. Matt said...

Yeah, because they wouldn't let me. The wouldn't hold those shows at a reasonable hour. Man, 12 year olds can't stay up past 10:30 everybody know that! They weren't lettin' me!

Star said...

Well, you can imagine my parents' surprise when in undergrad I told them I was taking a "Human Sexuality" course and that the "lab" was on Saturday nights!

superdave524 said...

Ange, your nephews could teach you a thing or two about burning the midnight oil (sadly). It is too bad you missed Dr. Paul Bearer, but say "la gare".

Funny stuff, Star. I tried to major in human sexuality in college, but the girls wouldn't let me.