Monday, September 15, 2008

Cheap Trick.

I clip coupons. There. I said it. Sure, it costs me a half hour or so every Sunday, but I consider it entertainment. It's really like a game to me, to see how much I can save. This particular venture, as a percentage, was definitely a win. Total was 36.69. Total of coupons and store discount card savings was 11.88, bringing my net to 24.81. That's almost a third off, and most of it- except the fruit and Tyler's candy- is stuff I generally buy. Come on. You know that's good. Quit fighting. Surrender (okay, I know that's lame, but I needed a segue. And I got this one on a Midnight Special).


kate said...

I used to clip coupons all the time. (I'm not cheap. I'm frugal.) But then I got too busy and stopped.

You might inspire me to go back though. I do like saving money...

Mr. Matt said...

Kate, we don't need to clip, we've got Publix. They have in-store coupons and then the Advantage Buy, the loved temporary price reduction. New sales announced every Wed. and run Thurs - Wed. I buy nothing, except fruit and veggies, unless it is on sale. My loyalty is to the TPR baby, not some manufacturer!

I always save at 30% from the marked up/marked down price!

superdave524 said...

If you've done it before, Kate, you already know the game. I've saved as much as $65.00 (though usually it's more like 12%), not Andy's 30% (but your baseline's prolly lower at the Pig).

Star said...

I only clip coupons during football season, when we get the Sunday-paper-during-football-season-deal. Outside of the that, I'm just lazy.

superdave524 said...

...and you probably have enough ducats where you don't really need to clip coupons, eh, Star?

John in IL said...

I'm with Star. I never use coupons (unless I get a good one from RJ Reynolds in the mail). It's so tedious (and yet I take the time to do the sudoku puzzle every Sunday). But I'll give anything a try. For shits and giggles, I'll look through next Sunday's paper to see if it is worth my time.

COL said...

i don't clip coupons generally, but i do use them when they come in the mail, or are handed to me and are good ones. i love it when i get 20% from bed bath and beyond. if you're buying an appliance or something big -- that can really be sweet!

superdave524 said...

Col, John, coupons are a lifestyle for those of us without much of a, er, life. But it is good to save a few bucks.

Star said...

I'm not sure what you've heard exactly Super Dave. But I too can be cheap...I mean *frugal.* I shop at The Shoe Carnival afterall!

superdave524 said...

Oh, Mah Gawd, Shoes!.

John in IL said...

lol. I could actually hear you say that (in my head). You're so wrong, you're right.

superdave524 said...

Glad you liked it (his bit on muffins is pretty funny, too).

Anonymous said...


I cannot imagine Shoe Carnival is kind to the bunions. Just sayin'...

superdave524 said...

Candi, welcome to the show. Who knew this would be a shoe revenue?