Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Fitness Regimen- Nice, Nice, Baby

AndyMan, Chase, all you other Ultra-Runners out there: Hard work is for suckers. Kate, Amy: dietary restrictions? I don't think so! I'm going for the Grand Funk Railroad cut and paste work out. Check out these immediate results:

No Pain, No Kidding.

Okay, I have actually been running a bit. It's not so easy, Coach. Getting rid of many months worth of cheeseburgers and shaking off the rampant sloth is no mean feat (as opposed to Chase's peds which are mean feet. Or the bottom part of a sundial, which I guess would be gnomon feet). I've said I'm going to run the Kiawah Marathon in December, and I will do so, but Jeez, Louise, it's rocky going from a one or two mile a week base.


my friend Amy said...

Nice, Nice, Baby steps. Those burgers went down one at a time so they'll be coming off one mile at a time. Before you know it you'll exchange those ripped pants for ripped abs. On, On!

superdave524 said...

Yeah, some guys got 6-packs. I got a keg.

Mr. Matt said...

What you need to do is get some Penzoil, no better make that Quaker State, er that doesn't really apply there.

Listen to Amy, baby steps, you can do it, but it means doing it even when you don't wanna. 1 mile is better than no miles, 2 is better than one, but do something 6 days a week, do something!

superdave524 said...

Clock told me to go back to bed this morning. I said, "screw you, clock. What? You think you're Cogsworth from Beauty and the Beast? No. You're an inanimate object. Your advice can't be any good." So, a ran two this morning. I'm starting to feel a tiny bit better.

Mr. Matt said...

Yeah man, get to after it! You wanna see time fly? Take that clock and chuck it Farley!

Star said...

It won't be long before the addiction sets in...then you won't need your clock to wake you up at 4:30am to go running with the other addicts...Mr. Jones will wake you up!

Lynne said...

Better yet . . Mrs. Jones

superdave524 said...

Star, maybe. Huge slug factor to overcome, but I'll certainly happily take yours and Lynne's and Andy's encouragement.

Chase Squires said...

I swear this is true, the first three months suck. The rest, is easy. Well, easier. Okay ... doesn't sucl. As much.

But you've got to force yourself through the first trimester ... do not seek the treasure. No, I mean, I thought you wuz a toad.

No, no. I mean, DO NOT QUIT.

Three months, then it's all good.

Go get'em.

superdave524 said...

Chase, if you can run in the snow, I guess I can run in the Boro.

Mr. Matt said...

And if I can run with a load...

kate said...

Ewwww...I was trying to ignore the load issue but it followed me here. Or preceded me, I guess.

At any rate, baby steps, baby. You can do it.

superdave524 said...

Okay, guys, three tomorrow.