Saturday, February 16, 2008

Good Guard

Anyone who knows me or my amazing Ultra-Running Brother, AndyMan, ought not to be surprised that not playing sports when we were growing up was never an option. I was going through some boxes of stuff this morning, and stumbled on some old pictures. The intimidating lad in the Tampa Pee Wee League Vikings uniform is me when I was, I don't know, 12 or 13? There's a nearly identical picture of AndyMan somewhere. I'm guessing he has it. The dashing young man in sepia is "Wild" Bill Mathews, circa 1948 suited up for the Natrona County, Wyoming, Mustangs. He used to tell us he was honorable mention all-state as an offensive guard. Offensive guard seems to be a particular Mathews' curse. Dad was a guard. Andy and I were guards. My oldest son got the coach's award at Thomas Heyward Academy as... you guessed it, a guard. Caroline doesn't play football, but she has a nice shot in basketball, and can hit the ball a ton in softball. At least she could, before she discovered boys. Sigh. Anyway, the twins give me some hope of breaking the guard caste: they've been playing at defensive tackle. I couldn't find any sports pictures with Andy in them, so I put in a couple from the days when we were very nearly "society children". Sadly, society children, if they play football, are generally quarterback. Of course, Harvard needs guards too, I guess.


my friend Amy said...

Wow, over 40 years later and Andy's still getting his haircut at the same barbershop. And Dave you're simply handsome as ever.

superdave524 said...

That's very kind, Amy. Not true, but kind.

Chase Squires said...

You need friends to tell you the truth ... Dave, you're not nearly as cute now ... but you probably make more money.

So there's that.

Mr. Matt said...

You make more money, but your porfolio is exactly the same (sadly so is mine!)

And Amy, same clippers, but different B'Shop. My pop cut my hair back then, now I do it myself.

superdave524 said...

Yeah, but I'm running now. I'll be cute again. You'll see. And Andy's right about the Benjamins. The Mathews' got some skills. Financial acumen not among them.