Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day


Dr. Maguse said...

I don't know any Brad, but I have this as a cover for my journal:

superdave524 said...

Mags, you are a true romantic. It's a cool cover.

superdave524 said...

Oh, and last day to vote on Shat vs. Pulp...

Dr. Maguse said...

Yes, I am...
Depending on the situation, it's either great or a pisser....usually the latter.

Mr. Matt said...

Yeah, well, I couldn't read the comic strip, but well, I may not be romantic, but like a dog, I really do love cheese. I think it's a guy thing.
Dogs love cheese, guys love cheese.
A dogs romance, Never let go of her leg. A guys romance, never let go of her leg.
Dogs fart, guys fart.

There you have it, wait, let me ask Brad.....

Dr. Maguse said...

i could say something about farting and melting pot (swiss cheese and mushroom caps and a pitcher of sangria and...), but you have to ask kristen about that one
actually, if men like cats, then they're good people...dogs, not so much

superdave524 said...

Men and dogs; women and cats. The stereo-types frequently hold true. I've grudgingly learned to give cats their props, but I'm still a dog dood.

Star said...

Hope you enjoyed your VD!

superdave524 said...

Star, certainly. VD is something everyone ought to enjoy. Hope your VD was exceptional, and not Standard (STD).