Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ice, Ice Smackdown

AndyMan requested it. I can't say I totally approve, but I'm nothing if not accommodating. It's Ice, Ice, Baby. We have several versions for your viewing pleasure: the original (okay, Bowie and Queen would doubtless beg to differ); Jim Carey's parody; Justin Timberlake's dance-fest; and, a special guess from beyond the grave. Vote early and often (remember, from the Gospel According to Vanilla Ice: Anything less than the best is a felony).


Dr. Maguse said...

Totally forgot how hilarious "In Living Color" was.

superdave524 said...

A guilty pleasure to be sure, and yet you didn't vote for the Carey clip. Is this a "Jim Carey is funny. Oh, he's not as funny as, you know, Hitler. But, funny, just the same" sort of thing?

Anonymous said...

You know the question is wrong when Hitler is the answer.

superdave524 said...

Sigh. How true, John. How true.

Dr. Maguse said...

I prefer the Hitler one. But I'm not being sarcastic as usual. I really do love "In Living Color" and am glad to see it available on dvd.

Mr. Matt said...

I'm a sick bastid (if you don't believe me check out my song of the week #5) but I love them all!

Going with Robby though, but man, great post SuperDave, you are really good at this blogger crap!

Star said...

JUSTIN all the way, baby!!! He can make any song hot....even *gulp* Ice, Ice Baby. I LOVE that kid!!

superdave524 said...

Mags, In Living Color was sorta the SNL for the early 90's. Some really funny bits, to be sure. I didn't think you were being sarcastic at all.

Ange- I'm glad you like the clips. The idea was, after all, yours. Thanks for the compliment. I wouldn't've been doing it at all if not for you and Chase. I try to pick up ideas from y'all (and John in IL, and QJ). I don't have anywhere near the cool experiences y'all have (nor John's cool kitteh power, nor QJ or Kate's wonderful minds (well, it'd be illegal if I did. Little too Frankenstein-esq). If you get a chuckle out of some of it, I guess I haven't wasted too much time.

Star, I think Justin Timberlake is cool, and no doubt, the dude can dance.

Anonymous said...

nor John's cool kitteh power

lol...Who needs a wonderful mind when you have teh power of teh kittehs.

superdave524 said...

...and a healthier heart!