Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ronald McDonald Reads the Funnies

When I was a kid growing up in Tampa, there was a UHF show called "Ronald McDonald Reads the Funnies" (for you young whipper-snappers, UHF was pre-cable t.v. You had two channel knobs: two through 13 on the main dial, which is where you got your three network stations (ABC, CBS, and NBC); then you had the UHF dial that had a few channels, mostly devoted to public broadcasting, local t.v. and other pretty sorry-ass t.v. (except for Creature Feature with Dr. Paul Bearer). A remote, at the time, was when you could get someone else to turn the knob).

Anyway, Ronald would read the comics from the papers to the television on Sunday morning. I haven't seen Ronald reading the funnies in a long, long time. And, increasingly, it's getting difficult to find Sunday funnies, with or without Ronald. Newspapers, I've heard, are getting their butts kicked by the internet. Well, by golly, I get the Charleston Newspaper. It's because I'm a sentimental fellow (and the dude was giving out Walmart gift cards!). I do love the comics, but only recently have I bothered with the "wordy" ones. I decided to read "Mark Trail", pictured above. Conservation piece, I figured. Well, if you can't read the frames, click on the picture, and you should be able to. I'll wait. ... Finished? Good. Am I imagining things, or is Mark asking us to eat beavers? Well, that ought to get the circulation up, anyway.


Dr. Maguse said...

I miss creature feature. Saw the film _Westworld_ on that program. Still one of my top 50 fav. films. My bro and sis met Dr. P Bearer at Tyrone Square Mall in the late 70s

superdave524 said...

Yeah, he was cool. A-Man was virtually never able to stay awake for creature feature. Sometimes he make it to the first commercial break. Sometimes.

my friend Amy said...

You know I'm with you 100% on the new fitness regimen, but please tell me you're not a vegetarian yet.

kate said...

It's only a matter of time. I'll get him.

superdave524 said...

Not as yet, Amy; however, I did have a spicy pork dish the other day, the after effects of which have me seriously contemplating vegetarianism. Kate, I know you're right, and you may yet win this one, but a life-time of eating creatures is tough to break.

superdave524 said...

...and I'm not eating no dam (properly spelled) beavers!

Dr. Maguse said...

Oh, I think I used to watch him in re-re-re-runs...He was on Saturdays around 1 p.m., I think...

superdave524 said...

Back in the day (early to mid-1970's), Creature Feature came on at 11:30 p.m. Really late. But where else can you watch Godzilla battle the Smog monster?

Lynne said...

Superdave, next time you are in town you'll have to join me for my wing-fix. AMan is invited.

superdave524 said...

Sounds good, Lynne. You might even be able to tempt A-Man with a wing.

Mr. Matt said...

Dave, Lynne, a real Wing-Ding! But, I'd sooner eat a Dam Beaver, tell you that right now. My Favorite T'Shirt from "the Day,"
1. Save a Tree, Eat a Beaver (didn't understand it at the time)

My favorite hat:
1. Snatch a Kiss and Vice Versa (understood it and wore it anyway)

Dishonorable mention:
T-Shirt- One Pig Mounting Another:
caption: Makin' Bacon!

Mr. Matt said...

Oh, and re-click on the cartoon. Check out Beatle Bailey.

What you can read is:
So you don't get it on your pants.

What do you reckon that cartoon is about (and don't say 4 frames!)?

superdave524 said...

Good catch, Ange. I read the cartoon, but not in connection with the Mark Trail cartoon. It is an interesting co-ink-E-dink. Along that line of T-Shirts, I saw a scruffy biker-dude (is there any other kind?) wearing an "Eatin' ain't cheatin'" T-shirt. Wonder how his "significant other" felt about that one?

Anonymous said...


See Sweeney Tood, and you'll likely be on your way to vegetarianism...

superdave524 said...

Just Me, are you a non-meat-eater-ite?

Lynne said...

Hey "just me" . . . is this Candi ?

Mr. Matt said...

I would like to point out that "I" am just me, and so is my wife!

BigAl said...

Wow, I grew up in Tampa as well and so remember Ronald reads the Funnies. I thought it was on the old CBS station WTVT channel 13. Seemed like we didn't get channel 44 until I was in like junior high. Maybe Tampa was the only place that had Ronald reads the Funnies? Surely not... But, I do remember it was the Funny Pages from the Tampa Tribune, because we could follow along with our own paper.

Unknown said...

Yes i remember that too

Kristy Swol said...

My father was the Ronald Mcdonald on that show! I am so glad people remember him and the fun he gave on Sunday mornings.

H2oracer15 said...

@ Kristy Swol, we had the Ronald Mcdonald van in the driveway and the flying hamburger at Maximo Marina high and dry. I was on the show once and was told not to call Ronald Dad, I did...

Kristy Swol said...

I remember camping in the van!!

Anonymous said...

I think about that show often. Wish it could air again!