The region has been getting some bad weather the past few days. Maybe not as bad as Atlanta, but not nice. Last night we had a hail storm. My covered front porch was, well, covered in it. Seemed like there ought to be some use for it.
Here we go. My "dogs playing pool" needed a new cueball, applied by My Friend Amy. What? You don't have a black velvet "dogs playing pool" in your home? I'll interpret your condescending tone as jealousy, thank you very much.
Hail is ice, which is just what I needed for my, er, applejuice. We need another hailstorm. I'm thirsty.
Hail to the Chief!
Hail, yeah.
Wish this version of Hail Holy Queen would've been in style while I was attending St. Richard's parochial grade school. I might have even tried out for the choir.
Dig Sister Act, but what's Professor McGonagall doing in there?
I love McGonagall. You know Sister Act was a favorite of the Sisters of the Transfiguration.
I did not know that. I guess I'm not really surprised, though. Most of the sisters were/are smart and had a good sense of humor.
Is that really apple juice, or are you into something weird???
Actually, that's Scotch (and not a weird kind). Yeah, doesn't look really "caramel" colored in that pic, does it?
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