Friday, November 7, 2008

Rain Mini-Smackdown: Have You Ever Seen the Rain

At Star's suggestion, I was hunting Credence Clearwater Revival's "Have You Ever Seen the Rain?" and noted that there are actually a number of artists who liked this song well enough to cover it. First, the original:

Next, The Ramones:

Next, early R.E.M. (who knew Michael Stipe once had hair?):

Rod Stewart does a pretty good version of this classic, but embedding was disabled. Hmmm. Where can a getting a scratchy-voiced blonde to do this song? Ah, yes! Bonnie Tyler oughta do:

Hey, Joan Jett loves it, too:

Saw a "Beatle-esque" version of this by the Jeevas that I rather enjoyed:

In the end, it'll probably be CCR that makes the cut, but if there are two or three comments about another of these versions, well, who am I to argue?


Mr. Matt said...

REM, all de WAY

superdave524 said...

Hard to argue against (and who knew Michael Stipe had hair? Oh, wait... did I already say that?).

John in IL said...

Bonnie Tyler with her big floating head/hair and awesome lazer eyes!

superdave524 said...

And don't forget the shoulderpad-like look, John. That's 80's baby (regardless of when the song was recorded).

John in IL said...

She does have serious shoulder pads, doesn't she. (although I'm kinda partial to that linebacker look.)

superdave524 said...

You're a funny guy, John.