Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

On my way with my brother, the Amazing Ultra Runner AndyMan, to Uncle Bob and Aunt Maggie's for Thanksgiving, we wheeled into a gas station and saw what the owner told us was the world's longest Ford F150 Racing Limo. Who am I to argue? There's A-Man in front of it. I asked the dude if his patrons occasionally spilled their drinks. Apparently. Hope your Thanksgiving's good.


John in IL said...

Bad economy be damned. The racing (truck?) limos business is booming! I'm thankful.

(and nice pic, Andy)

superdave524 said...

Yeah, John, it's a truck. Little tiny bed in the back with a cover over it. I'll show you my wreck next post.

kate said...

That vehicle looks like a van I used to tour with the Grateful Dead back in the early nineties.

At least, I think that's what it looked like.

superdave524 said...

Fast times, indeed!