Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Circle of Life.

My microwave recently went the way of all microwaves. Brought to an untimely demise by the Lads' younger friend from next door.
Fortunately, the microwave is not the only means by which food is (re)heated in the Manor: I recently acquired a new oven/stove from Sears. Ain't she a beaut? Got a good deal, too. One oven dies, another oven appears. The circle of life.


Chase Squires said...

You're a strange dude.

Happy Thanksgiving. Reheat y'all's selves something good.

John in IL said...

Good luck lighting a cigarette on that stove.

Anonymous said...

Prolly true, Chase. Prolly true.

Definite true, John. Fortunately, I don't smoke (and I don't want to make it easy for the Lads to).