Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Favorite Cartoon this Week.

For years, whenever someone has told me that they, or someone they know, is going to have a baby, I've told them I could never have a baby because I get full after about half a baby. Well, last Christmas I got a book called "Cream of the Crap" of rejected New Yorker Magazine cartoons, which included the cartoon at left. Ultramarathoner, Denverite, and blogger extraordinare Chase Squires recently posted about a baby shower he attended, which made me dredge up the cartoon. Sick, huh?


jrtnutt said...

I didn't get it at first. I had to click on the picture to blow it up..I didn't realize they were reading a menu. Duh.

Chase Squires said...

Heh, heh!

John in IL said...

Can I get fries with that?

superdave524 said...

Not my best photography, Tam. The humor is rather morbid, but I thought it was funny.

Yeah, John, with Cats-up.