Friday, July 4, 2008

Roadtrip: Old Crow Medicine Show

My oldest child, Davis, gave me a call Thursday afternoon and invited me to join him and his friend, Matt, for a concert in nearby Hilton Head Island. Matt and Davis were sort of odd birds at their very conservative, very rural primary and secondary school, and their very conservative, very rural community, and have been best buds since middle school or so. I took Davis and Matt to their first rock concert, Green Day, in, I think, 2003. Both have been to many others since. At that first show, I challenged them to dare to be goofy. I'm proud to say, the message sunk in: very little embarrasses them. Anyhow, Ridgeland, where I used to live, and where Matt still lives, is about forty-five minutes South of the Boro in a straight shot down I-95. I picked up Matt and Davis, and we trekked the hour or so from there Southeast to Hilton Head Island.

We had some time to kill before the 9 p.m. start of the show, so we stopped in Barnes and Nobles for a bit. I just can't keep the boy away from Hannah Montana.

Matt is a big fella, and Davis occasionally gets this Jerry Lewis thing going and hops into his buddy's arms. Did I mention they don't embarrass easily?

Hats seemed to be in order. Did I mention that none of us embarrass easily?

We get carded at the door (I started to get excited, but apparently they were carding everyone). Davis will celebrate the 21st anniversary of his birth on Sunday. The gate-keeper asked me Thursday's date. "The sixth?". Nice try, but no dice. Matt gets an alcohol band wrist accessory; Davis gets the "do not serve" stamp. Which is nice for me, because, you know, we have to drive home.

What's a concert without the shirt?

All evening long, a right pretty gal is trying to get Davis' attention. He's oblivious, until she grabs and wears his fedora. He's only got eyes for his once and future Sewanee girlfriend, but in the end, he asks if she'll pose with him.

The venue was The Shoreline Ballroom. We got the ballroom part, but where's the shoreline? There it is. Shore enough.


Mr. Matt said...

You SOB (sorry old brother!) you went to Old Crow Medicine Show and didn't invite me? That sucks!!!! I woulda been there, I woulda! Well, I hope it was fun.

superdave524 said...

It was lots of fun. I'll post the music report tomorrow (really, concert reviews and pix are more Chase's deal, but since I was there...).

Chase Squires said...

No pix with the band? Sheesh, you call yourself a blogger?

superdave524 said...

That's later. This one was the trip. Next one is the band.

Star said...

Hate to say it, but I think you blew your son's chances with his Suwannee GF by taking that pic.

superdave524 said...

Gi-Bear wouldn't read my blog in a hunnerd years. Besides, I told Davis I was gonna do it, and he gave me the green light (that other girl was cute, though, wasn't she?).

John in IL said...

That other girl was seriously cute with those killer brown eyes.

superdave524 said...

Yeah, but Davis couldn't've cared less. You want what you want, I guess.