Thursday, March 17, 2011

Getting My Shirts Together.

I'm giving up the Big Unit. I bought a new shed, which I'm almost done putting together (more on that, later), so I can stop paying storage fees. Unfortunately, the big unit was, well, bigger than the new shed; consequently, I've got to cull some stuff. I got bags of old T-Shirts that I've kept, but haven't worn much. I've kept many for sentimental reasons. Maybe I'll give 'em one more look before I give 'em to Goodwill.

I've got tons of running shirts. I've kept a few, but you can only wear so many.

I've only ever gone to one Atlanta Braves baseball game. They were playing the Houston Astros, and our seats were right behind the visitor's dugout. I've held onto the shirt for years.

Nephew Rob got this one for a haunted house he set up for the Twins many years ago. Not many occasions I can get by wearing it, though.

I got this one free for getting a pair of running shoes. I used to like getting new running shoes, and I guess this shirt just reminded me of it. The shirt's gone, but the memories of my early running exploits remain.

I lived and worked for 13 years in neighboring Jasper County, and for seven of those years, I had a solo general law practice. It was pretty much expected in a small community that all the private law firms would support the local festivals and events. I loved doing it, and Relay for Life always got a hundred bucks or so (and I got a T-Shirt).

I used to enjoy attending the South Carolina Trial Lawyers Conventions. I'm pretty sure I went every year during the 1990's, and I always got a shirt. I'm keeping 1993, but this 1998 didn't make the cut.

I hate to part with anything SpongeBob related, but there just aren't a lot of occasions to wear this one. Maybe some big kid'll end up with it.

This 1995 Yemassee Shrimp Festival 5 K shirt comes with a story that I'll probably relate in a future post, but I can tell the story without the shirt.

This one is a special treasure: it's an old football practice jersey from the days of my youth. Even without the shoulder pads, it's not close to fitting me. Still, it was tough to toss this one.


Mr. Matt said...

It was a sad day when Ali and an old flame tossed 2/3's of my wardrobe. I'll admit that I don't miss most of it, still...

superdave524 said...

Probably that's why Eve came along: "Adam, you're never going to read these old magazines, and 10 years is plently long enough to keep a pair of underwear".