Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Roadtrip: Columbia

I have two 16 year old clients who are charged as adults for most serious crimes. If convicted of their current charges, Armed Robbery and Murder, they are looking at between 10 and 30 years and life in prison, respectively; however, because they are not yet 17 (the age at which a person is considered an adult in South Carolina's criminal justice system) they are being housed at Department of Juvenile Justice Detention facility instead of at the local jail. As soon as they turn 17, they will be transferred to our local jail, with the rest of the adults awaiting trial (or serving sentences of 90 days or less). I've got lots of problems with the way this is all done, but the only significant ramification with which I'm currently concerned is that the County jail is but a short walk from my office, and DJJ is an hour and a half's drive away in Columbia.

After a couple hours reviewing the incident reports, witness statements, warrants, possible sentences and an overview of the procedures that lie ahead with my clients, I'm hungry. This probably does not surprise anyone who has read more than a couple of my posts: I'm generally hungry. I don't have the time or inclination to take a serious tour of the Palmetto State's capitol city, but I would like to eat at some place more exotic than, say, Pizza Hut. Say, what's this?

A Lebanese restaurant? Does this mean all the chicks in there dig the other chicks in there(not that there's anything wrong with that)? Didn't see any evidence of it. Didn't see Jamie Farr, either. I did see some good food, though.

They called this a Kufda Kabob (basically gyro meat- ground beef and lamb with minced onion and green peppers), rice and a Greek Salad. Good stuff!


Star said...

They can call that meat roll whatever they want, but I'd have another name for it...

superdave524 said...

Uh, "meat roll"?

Star said...

Well, I can make out the rice and Greek salad...the other thing in the pic looks like some kind of meat squashed together and rolled up. Would you prefer "meat log?"

my friend Amy said...

Yeah, my Lebanese neighbor makes that but puts it on a skewer. My kiddos always check what's on the menu over there before accepting a dinner invite, case she be serving poopsicles again.

superdave524 said...

Okay, Star, meat roll is definitely better than Amy's poopsickle...

John in IL said...

But does it taste like shit?

Mr. Matt said...

Hey, great picture of the salad, and er, yeah, the meat log, well, keep me Jamie Farr away from that!

superdave524 said...

Tastes very gyro-like, John. And(y) the salad was good.