Thursday, December 18, 2008

Livin' Wit da Projects.

They're cars. Cars that are wind powered. The Lads had projects. Hey, it's alternative energy, right? Just make sure you have a really, really big friend to follow you around to blow up the balloons, and you're all set.


Mr. Matt said...

I hope the lads did the appropriate thing, to skip school the day before the project was due and work on them all day (though I gotta say it doesn't look as intricate as the catapult I made for the European History fair, that required skipping the day before and working into the night!)

Star said...

Your brother is full of hot air.

superdave524 said...

Yeah, Star, but he ain't lyin' (and the Lads did stay up late, but waited to skip until after the projects were due).

my friend Amy said...

Guess it's better than livin' in da projects, but as an educator you boys(including Andy) are our worst nightmare. Course I only know that from personal experience as a student.

Maybe the lads will make their first million on hot air propulsion in commuter land vehicles.

Chase Squires said...

can't help but notice they're made entirely out of plastic and Styrofoam ... like ... anyway.

Just sayin'

John in IL said...

Good point, Chase. The twins' science project makes Al Gore cry.

superdave524 said...

In fairness, Chase, there were wooden toothpicks in Tyler's "eco-mobile".

Yes, it's odd, Amy, that Andy would end up as a teacher (and a good one). Andy and I made teachers cry (and, John, the Lads, if they cared who Al Gore was/is, wouldn't mind making him cry either).

Anonymous said...

Well Dave, that begs the question, "What ex-political douchebag would they NOT enjoy making cry?"

superdave524 said...

Now, wait a minute, Rob, I ran for office a few years ago... What to you mean "I remember"?