Friday, December 5, 2008

Crazy Smackdown: Patsy Cline

It's a crazy world: people getting trampled in stores, hairstyles on American Idol, ticket prices to see fifty year-old rockers. There are some Crazy good songs out there, too. Seems right for a smackdown. Let's start with one of the classics, Patsy Cline:


Mr. Matt said...

Er, Pot calling the kettle a spade? I believe I know someone who spending BOO COO Bucks to see an AC-DC group that is SO OLD they have changed the title of their #1 hit from the 60's to:

Highway to Hell, Unless you Repent, like we did!

Yeah, guys the end is in sight.

Star said...

(Heehee...nice one, Aman!)

Don't even get me going on the fact that THREE people died on Black The only thing I can figure was that the Long Island Walmart was selling was crack.

superdave524 said...

No doubt, Ange (and the Lads and I will see you in two weeks (well, I'll be there next week, too).

superdave524 said... the Low, Low Price, no doubt, Star.

Chase Squires said...

I'm thinking of not giving anyone anything for Christmas this year, to see if anyone notices.

jrtnutt said...

I say we just skip Christmas all together.

superdave524 said...

I'll notice, Chase. Wait? You didn't get me anything last year. You either, Tam. Okay, let's not give gifts for Christmas.

John in IL said...

To get back on topic, may I suggest Crazy Train by Ozzy.

superdave524 said...

Crazy Train is, indeed, a good nominee. Thanks, John.

COL said...

i was lagging behind on reading my fave blogs and JUST came across your "crazy" smackdown series.

i did a similar crazy theme 2 weeks after you started yours. my girlfriends and i were at dinner one night talking about a crazy friend when we started brainstorming about all songs related to craziness.

the collective consciousness in action. crazy!