Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Santa, You Sleigh Me.

Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker, David Banner and I all have alter-egos. The first three assume the identities of Batman, Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk, in order to fight crime and their inner demons. Most years, I assume the persona of the Big Guy, Saint Nick, to entertain at my niece's dance recital (if you want to check out 2007 and 2008, then double-click those years).

The Green Room was abysmal. I've got to get a better agent for these gigs.

The spread also left something to be desired (actually, I'm pretty sure that these goodies were for some event earlier in the day... or week. Didn't taste too bad, though).


Oh, and there was dancing, too. In fact, Niece Allison (second from the right, I think), was in nine different numbers.

Allie's sister was cute as a button.


jd bryan said...

They won't let me be Santa. Something about "reeking of holiday spirits."

Anonymous said...

Gee Dave, that was always Leo's job-----he was naturally endowed though! :) :) fdb

superdave524 said...

J.D., you need to check out Billy Bob Thorton's "Bad Santa". Serious alcohol consumption doesn't need to be a road-block to your dream job!

Frandy, I'd bet my last dollar that Leo was a great Santa. As to the "padding" part, I've got to say that women running the recital have been the only folks to complain about the thirty pounds I've lost since my last appearance there.

Star said...

You've lost thirty pounds since this time last year? Santa, BABY!

superdave524 said...

Thirty since '08, Star. I missed last year to run the Kiawah Marathon (but I've lost 15 or so since then).

Mr. Matt said...

The second from the right was indeed Ali. And yes, Katie (aka the terror) is a cutie, that's why she's still alive!

Dave, you did great, and your "Twist" on the Santa Dance was like Steve Austin.... a Stone Cold Winner!

Anonymous said...

There was a SANTA DANCE?!?!?!?!? :) fdb

superdave524 said...

Thanks, Ange. It was a lot of fun, and your daughter is a pure joy. Pleasant, funny, smart, and a really good dancer. Katie? Well, it's good to know that Nancy can't blame the Mathews' genes...

Frandy, there's got to be a Santa Dance. How ya gonna have a big entrance without a Santa Dance?

col said...

lookin sharp super santa! that's a cool alterego.

superdave524 said...

Thanks, Col (though I understand there may be more of us out there).