Friday, December 3, 2010

Cleaning Out My Closet.

My junk tray is getting kinda full. Time to clean it out. Stuff's not that old, right? Now, let's see... Couple of old cell phones. Can I recycle those? Probably not. Throw 'em in the garbage. Belk's bill from a few months ago. I might oughta pay that. Hey! Free tickets for the Boro's only bowling alley! Uh, they apparently expired two months ago. Pitch 'em. An Einstein Bagels receipt from the Detroit Metro Airport. My server was Khalil. I wonder if Khalil knows Einstein was Jewish? "86" it. A CVS receipt. I got it marked "recorded". Wonder why I saved it. Ah, there's a coupon for a $25.00 gift card. Shoot, that'll come in handy for Christmas. Let's see how long I got to use it... Oops, expired in July. Into the wastebasket with you (does anyone ever say "wastebasket" anymore? My grandmother, Baba, I think used to say that. Perfectly fine word. No need to throw it out). Ooh, a warning ticket from the Charleston County Aviation Authority Police for Careless Driving. Musta been when I almost mowed over that pilot. Hey, it's not MY fault he was in the cross-walk when I was circling the airport waiting for Diane's brother to fly in from Seattle. Those pilots (and members of Congress) don't have to get those "up close and personal" patdowns. Perhaps I was prospectively harboring a little resentment. Wonder where that comes from? Eminem knows (Speaking of "warnings", you know Eminem's a fairly controversial rapper, right? Probably not a good idea to play the following video if you don't like that sort of stuff).


Anonymous said...

Took your advice and didn't play the video. :) I CAN identify with the "cleaning out" though. I did a bit of that this summer...finially got rid of that old blue,paint-spotted, too-big shirt that I have had no need for in 15 years. I also threw out a batch of keys that I had saved through 2 moves in case something showed up with a lock I didn't have a key for. (for which I had no key. =] ) fdb

superdave524 said...

It's tough to throw out keys! It just feels wrong. AndyMan's right: when it comes to cleaning; you gotta be ruthless!