Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Notorious, again.

I've been a notary pretty much since I've been a lawyer. It helps mostly for formalizing documents, such as affidavits, to have a notary commission myself without having to hunt down someone else to witness stuff. As long as you don't have a criminal record, they're pretty easy to get. Drop off an application to your state's legislative delegation with a nominal check for processing, and - viola! - you're all set to get people married or formalize a will. I've been kinda busy, of late, so I managed to let my commission lapse. Anyway, just last week I reapplied. Got my appointment back yesterday. Huzzah to Senator Matthews (no relation, except through Adam and Eve) and Representative Bowers for the very quick turnaround.


Diane said...

Good for you David for gettin' er' done! We should see the movie too. It is very good.

superdave524 said...

The Cary Grant one or the Biggie Smalls one?

Chase Squires said...

I think you're ready for your own TV show "Super Dave Mathews: Notary Public!"

superdave524 said...

When papers need a witness, I am not slow; it's hip, hip, hip, and away I go!