Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One Flu Over the Cukoo's Nest.

I do not endure illness well. It's been said that if men had to endure the pain of childbirth, there would be precious few children. I know it's been said, because I've said it. There are exceptions, of course: Masochistic ultra-marathon runners such as the Amazing AndyMan and his cohort, Chase, seek pain and eat it like peanut MnM's (Star, as both a woman and an ultra-runner, you probably don't even understand the concept of pain. You may want to look it up. I'd recommend Wikipedia). In any event, a cold/flu has kept me bed-bound these last few days, and kept me from running. Now, wait. I really am sick. Want proof? Daughter Caroline brought over a plate of steak and crabmeat au gratin Saturday she'd gotten at her momma's, and it sits untouched in the refrigerator. I haven't run, but I've lost five pounds since Friday. Got to be well today, though. I've got tickets to Bonnie Raitt and Taj Mahal tonight in Atlanta.


Star said...

Yeah, what is it about a simple cold that makes men whine and boohoo like little girls???

(Btw, I wouldn't eat that steak and crab meat at this point, unless you want to add food poisoning to your symptoms).

And here's what I learned from Wiki: "The question of whether or not lobsters can experience pain is unresolved." Its in the "Pain in Crustaceans section." I mean, you're ripping off an animal's arms and legs...tell me that doesn't hurt!

Chase Squires said...

Ugh, sorry about that SD, being sick sucks. Rest assured, you'll be better soon, it happens.

superdave524 said...

Star, the lobster question can be answered in the same way that men generally respond when asked about pain in pregnancy: Pain? No way. It didn't hurt me a bit.

Thanks, Chase (Hey, I lost 5 pounds, anyway).

Diane said...

I thought you did OK, however I was just the one dropping off provisions so I really didn't see much ugliness.

superdave524 said...

Nice to hear from the Red Cross. Thanks, Diane for the soup and the TLC.

Jersey Girl 46 said...

Hope you feel better. Summer colds are horrible!

superdave524 said...

Thanks, JG. I'm doing a good bit better now.

Star said...

Somehow, some way, I think you passed your bug on to me...not very nice, superdave.

superdave524 said...

I'm virtually sorry and virtually apologize, Star. At least you now have an excuse to drink ginger ale.