Friday, May 1, 2009

Dress for Success, Part 3

It is a sad fact that many people charged with crimes are not too smart. I have commented before that many folks accused of crimes regularly appear in court in apparel that screams "Thug". Baggy pants and "Scarface" shirts galore are short-cuts to long sentences by dudes and dudettes wanting to drag their street cred everywhere they roam. I think I mentioned that one dude wore camouflage to court. Cammo is never a great choice for a formal proceeding, but it was an especially unfortunate one for him, as he was charged with night hunting.

Recently, a fellow appeared at his attorney's office just prior to trial for criminal domestic violence wearing a white sleeveless athletic t-shirt, in common parlance, The Wife Beater (not the fellow at left. That's just a picture from the 'net). This was not the sort of fellow that was close to getting the irony of his clothing selection. He was advised to go home, put on a shirt with sleeves, and return. Dude showed up wearing an "Orange County Choppers" tee. Oh, well, it was an improvement, anyway.


Jersey Girl 46 said...

When I worked at the PD's office in Hills Co. we kept a clothes locker for our clients. I got really good at getting donations of nice clothes. Once a client asked specificallly for the "pink pimp" tie.

Just a thought!

Mr. Matt said...

Did that Cammo night hunting thing really happen?

Correction though, Criminals aren't always dumb only defends are.

superdave524 said...

We got a few outfits, too, JG; however, this wasn't a felony case, so we didn't pull out all the stops.

Honest Injun, Ange. It happened a few terms of court ago. Amazingly, these were dudes with money, and not our clients (and you are spot on with that last bit).

John in IL said...

Thanks, Dave. I'd let that guy beat my wife anytime.

And I have a funny story about court proceedings and proper attire (but in the opposite). Mother filed for bankruptcy about ten years ago. Being old school, she thought she should "dress up" for court. Lesson learned: don't wear your fur trimmed leather coat to your bankruptcy hearing.

superdave524 said...

Funny stuff, John (but it probably didn't seem funny at the time).

Abbey said...

Orange Country Choppers offers beautiful dresses.