Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spring, Spring, Already!

I'm tired of winter. Punxatawney Phil apparently told us February 2nd- on Groundhog Day- that we'd have an early Spring. I found that using Wikipedia, of course, but in checking, I was dismayed to discover that there are lots of different_groundhogs, that play this shadow game, and a lot of 'em thought we'd have six more weeks of Winter. Great. It appears this Groundhog Day stuff might be kind of arbitrary. Next thing you know, they'll be telling me professional Wrestling's fixed!


Anonymous said...

9th hardest to believe absolute fact: Pro Wrestling is real!

8th- The is a drink called Gin and Tonic on every planet in the universe, thought the taste and ingrediants vary from planet to planet.

7th- Humans can't handle facts 1-6.

Douglas Adams

superdave524 said...

Thanks for chiming in, Doug. Rumors of your death were obviously exagerated.

Anonymous said...

But not the death of my ability to rite the Inglish language! Jeez, you know what they say, the brain dies first!


superdave524 said...

As you can imagine, Doug, I get that a lot.