Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ghost Whispering.

I was messing around with FaceBook the other day, and took a gander at list of friend suggestions FaceBook recommended. I guess their suggestions are based interconnections that my FB friends have with their friends. I guess FB figures that if I'm friends with Mitch and Cathy, and Mitch and Cathy are friends with Betty and Bob, maybe I oughta check out Betty and Bob. So I did. As I scrolled through the list, I noted at least two people who have died: a local police officer and one of Lady Di's former associates (none of the folks in the pic at left are dead, as far as I know. I just picked the page randomly... Okay, it was because of the dude that looks like Elvis). It was kind of creepy. I declined to send friend requests to them, since it's pretty unlikely they'd accept (even Mark Zuckerburg doesn't have an app for that). Maybe I'll try the original social network connection: maybe I'll say a prayer for them.

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