Friday, February 18, 2011

Dress for Success.

I love the Boro. Really, I do. It has a lot of neat people. It is pretty. And a surprising number of amenities for a small place. You see people you know everywhere you go. 'Course, I forget, sometimes, that it is a small place. And that you see people you know everywhere you go. I specifically forgot this when Lady Di asked me to run a couple of errands. I'd settled in for Thursday night T.V., and was dressed to de-stress, not to impress. A too-small Tom Petty Concert T-shirt over my undershirt. Ragged shorts (made possible by temperatures in the 70's (maybe Punxatawney Phil was right, after all)). White socks. Top-siders. I was only going to be gone for a couple of minutes, right? Well, as I was filling up my gas-tank, maybe three carloads of my clients were likewise fueling their rides. I kept my head low, and I think I'd've been okay, but the pump wasn't having it. No receipt tape in the machine. "See cashier for receipt". Damn! I'm fairly certain I'd call her as a witness in a case. I detected a smirk, as she handed me my receipt. On the way out, I heard a couple of teenagers that I recognized from the office. "Naw, he ain't", says one. "Yeah, it is. That's the Public Defender". Hoo, boy.

I looked a little like one of Monty Python's Gumbies


Anonymous said...

and you're usually such a sharp dressed man!

Larry the Cable Guy

superdave524 said...

Well, said, LTCG. I always appreciate serendipitous sartorial shout-outs, especially from other dashing dressers!

Anonymous said...

David, David, David!! That is just a law of the universe---you will ALWAYS see many people you know when you aren't dressed as well as you would like. Of course, it is a little late for this, but...NEVER think you will just drop the kids off for sch, sporting event, your pj's!! That is ASKING for a flat tire!!! :) fdb
p.s. I like your blogs too. :)

COL said...

i don't think it's so bad SD. i might have switched the topsiders for some shower sandals tho.

superdave524 said...

So, Frandy, you mean this fate is not mine alone? It takes the sting out of it a bit (and thanks).

I'd get the shower shoes, Col, but twenty-five clams a pop? I can look stupid a whole lot cheaper!

Mr. Matt said...

I know what LarryTCG is saying. The only snappy dresser we had in our family was the one on which Father kept his change (it's on top of the dresser son!)

Hey, I've been updating lately, Shrek it out!

superdave524 said...

I miss the kangaroo accessories caddy. I think I had it, briefly, but was compelled to bannish it at some point. I will check out your Blog, AndyMan. Count on it.