Saturday, May 16, 2009

Puppy Love.

Daughter Caroline got a new puppy. Lulu is a miniature Jack Russell Terrier, and a cutie.

Looks like Vegas Elvis found an amazing diet and the Fountain of Youth here:


Chase Squires said...

Oh sweet lord ... if that isn't the worst music video ever, I challenge you to find something more awful!

superdave524 said...

That Leonard Nimoy video Andy posted a couple of weeks ago was pretty bad...

jrtnutt said...

OMG she got a Jack? Does she know what she has done? LOL
Maddie is my second Jack and they make the best pets. (hense the name Jrtnutt)
Let me know if she needs any advice on them..they can be tricky. LOL

jrtnutt said...

Forgot to mention...LuLu is adorable. Is this your first "grandpup"?

superdave524 said...

Caroline had a JRT, Jackie (I know, not particularly imagininative) for years. My kids have always had a dog or dogs. Any dog I've ever had, I got from the pound, though Tina got Lulu from a family.