I'm kinda tired, so Imo take the easy way out today. I've already posted two of my 15 most memorable albums, so I figure I'll toss out another today. My folks used to throw the occasional party, lo those many moons ago. They listened to a lot of rock, so I had to kick it up a notch to piss them off. David Bowie did the trick, if only for the album cover. The music was pretty cool, too.
I was born in Montana, raised in Tampa, and reside in a small town in the lowcountry of South Carolina with the Lovely Lady Di, and son Tyler. Walterboro (the 'Boro) has about 5,100 residents. It's a moderately interesting place. I work in the public defender's office representing poor people charged with crimes. Some of them did it. Some of them didn't do it. Some are not very nice, a lot of them are just regular Joes with a huge plate of bad luck.
I'm a moderately interesting fellow, who has the good fortune to know or be related to some very interesting people. Is there anyone out there?
"Fleas the size of Rats, sucked on Rats the Size of Cats..."
They don't write them like that anymore!
Well, Marilyn Manson probably does. "Future Legend", the lead-in to Diamond Dogs was wonderfully creepy.
You're such a rebel (rebel). Hot tramps are fun!
Got your mother in a whirl... Yeah, I did dig that album.
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