Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Too Good to Be True: Fat is Where It's At!

According to YahooNews,the fountain of youth is flowing with fudge and bacon. It appears that those few extra pounds that made you look older when you were younger, make you look younger when you're older. I still got a bet with my bro-heim to lose 20 pounds, and I'm still gonna try to run a marathon in '09; but maybe I won't quit icecream all the way...


Mr. Matt said...

Hey, cool, I'm heading for the Florida State Fair, where this year's truly gross food is... deep fried chocolate covered bacon (I sh*t you knot!)

Now that's dead sexy.

superdave524 said...

I was down to 228, but I read that article and ate a Snicker's bar.

sunny48 said...

Well, you will always have a place to store a homing beacon.

my friend Amy said...

Yeah, you may look younger but you'll die that way too.

Chase Squires said...

Hey, my doctor says if I quit smoking and drinking I'll live longer ... I say, no, it'll just seem that way!

John in IL said...

From the article:

The bottom line is that if you care mostly about a young-looking face, don't smoke, don't spend time in the sun without protection, and try not to get into a bad relationship that will make you depressed.

I am so in trouble.

superdave524 said...

Homing bacon? I knew something was calling my name. Yeah, it'll kill me, but we all gotta die some time. Deep-fried, chocolate covered bacon, anyone? (and I guess that better be "smoked" bacon).

Mr. Matt said...

Beacon, she said beacon, and don't deep fry it! Well not today, maybe on Fryday (get it, Fry day, like Friday!)

superdave524 said...

Every day's Fry Day at the Manor.

Star said...

With no disrespect to my elders, I LOOK young because I AM young.

And SuperDave: If you would run an ultra, they serve ice cream DURING the race. One aid station had it at Rocky on Saturday...not sure if they were serving "Rocky Road," however.

superdave524 said...

That's the most expensive "free" icecream ever, Star! I done tole ya I'm planning on running a marathon (and I may MAY try to go 50 K on my fiftieth b'day- but let's see about that marathon first!).

kate said...

People don't run to stay in shape - someone said it's alcoholism without the fun. And I agree.

The fat in their faces hide wrinkles, right? I've noticed that on my elders.

But staying out of the sun, eating right and exercising works - plus good genes. And a few wrinkles aren't sooo bad right?

superdave524 said...

Character lines, Kate; Not wrinkles. They were only wrinkles until I got a couple.

COL said...

dude, i am amazed you can drop 10+ pounds in a blink. guys have it easier.

not to discredit your effort -- clearly you've been working towards it. good job & good luck with the training.

i need to catch your inspiration!

superdave524 said...

Col, you're right: it is easier for guys. But it's also easier when you start bigger!

Mr. Matt said...

Easier? Bah! It's actually harder for people that don't do well controlling their impulses and who don't exercise.

That's why fad diets don't work in the long run. Like Star says, it's not a diet, it's a life choice. YOu gotta exercise that's the ticket.

Yesterday, I don't know why, but I gave in and had French Fries and a slice of pizza, that's gonna happen, not a good thing, but what the hey. I also ran 5 miles in the AM and walked 5 with my BLF in the PM.

The trick is get in shape don't become a smaller big person.

superdave524 said...

Shhh! Don't tell the diet industry. If people figure out that exercise is the key, Jenny Craig'll go out of business. 'Course, exercise is hard, so Jenny Craig isn't really gonna go out of business.

Lynne said...


It is what you eat.

Exercise does help one lose it, and to keep it off.

superdave524 said...

I know, I know, Lynne. Eat less is half the equation. I also know that groups like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers help a lot of folks. Just ain't my thing, is all.

Lynne said...


You don't eat less.

Actually, you eat more. A lot more ! It's just healthier food.

Good luck.