Sunday, February 15, 2009

R.I.P. Millard Fuller.

I'm a smart-ass, as you probably already know; consequently, when I saw the headline "Habitat Founder Recalled" my first reaction was, "Obviously, Millard was made by Chrysler". But it's not that kind of recall, and the founder of Habitat for Humanity deserves more than a bad pun to note his passing. Like God's best workers, Millard Fuller walked the walk. He didn't just talk about God's love, he did stuff to help poor people because that's what he thought God's love meant. Like every one of God's children, Millard had his faults, I'm told, but he wasn't some bloodless ghost preaching empty platitudes. By God- and for God- he did something. You know, maybe Millard was recalled by his maker, afterall.


Mr. Matt said...

RIP Millard. I saw James Earl Carter on the tube talking about what a great dude Millard was. I know President Carter did a lot of work for Habitat.

superdave524 said...

I've heard that, as well, Ange. Jimmy wasn't a great president, but he's probably the best ex-president of all. .

John in IL said...

Sorry Dave, you're not a smart ass. You're smart but where is the ass part (figuratively)?

superdave524 said...

Thanks, John. I guess I've mellowed over the years.