Thursday, April 8, 2010

Keegan Farms.

Lady Di and I made the brief trek to the outskirts of Round O to Keegan Farms, the home of organic and free-range foods. A lot of really fine restaurants order their meat from Annie Keegan. She's been in the Walterboro and Charleston_papers a bunch. She's a really nice lady.
Organic means none of the junk that makes cows and pigs angry...and NOBODY wants a mad cow. Now, where to you buy the stuff?

Not here. I'm not sure I want to know what this place is for. Think I heard a chain saw...

Hmmm. This looks like a good bet.

No frills here (but there is some right tasty meat).

Before they were bacon, they were pigs. This porcine wonder needs a publicist if he wants to avoid someone's breakfast table. Wonder if Charlotte the spider is available?

Now those are free-range chickens!

This hirsute fellow said he is Annie's Uncle. Hey, Unk, how 'bout go fix those fences?


Mr. Matt said...

Geez, I like to think is MADE in stores with packages as their hyde. Man, now I gotta go veg-e-tare-e-un again! (well, after I get my wings, I haven't done that yet, then it's veggie-tales!)

superdave524 said...

Charlotte's Web used to bug me a little. Meat doesn't originally come from stores, though, and I do love meat. Least these critters are treated pretty well before they become food. What was it the crew in Monty Python said in their "Crunchy Frog" skit? "Lightly killed"...

Mr. Matt said...

Shoot, I'd rather have Cattle treated like cattle, at least they had a shitty life when they get hit by the boom stick. Instead they get all hoodwinked in by Aunt Keegan, and get all excited, hey, guess, what I'm going to play football in the NFL! That's what Auntie Said, next thing you know, Tom Dempsey is using you to beat my Detroit Lions by booting you 63 yards!

superdave524 said...

Where did the cow hide, anyway? Behind the pig's kin?

kate said...

What a neat place! That is right up my alley...if I ate meat, that is. Good for you!

superdave524 said...

Hey, Kate. Hadn't seen you in forever. Thanks for stopping by!