Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Babymama.

I had a pile of kids at the Manor over the weekend. Caroline and the Twins plus four friends. Sunday morning the bodies were everywhere. The place looked like the Frat house the night after a big game. The posse was headed back to Beaufort to TT and C's mom's. She just celebrated a birthday of some sort (I'm guessing 39 again), and the kids wanted to bake her a cake. Responsible parents should never allow teenagers to bake, much less decorate, a cake. The phrase "Fut the Shuck Up" is of AndyMan vintage. One of his peers is named Mr. Shuck, giving rise to the A-Man's dangerous combination of words. I'm informed and believe that the gods were not smiling on Ange one day in class, and, well, you can guess the rest. It was all in good fun. My Babymama and I have had our differences, but she's got a decent sense of humor, and she told me that the cake was delicious.


jrtnutt said...

Nice cake and glad she enjoyed it. your boys sound like fun!

superdave524 said...

They are fun, Tam (also aggravating and omnivorous).

COL said...

funny. and now i am tempted to experiment ... yuck fou!

superdave524 said...

Sounds like a Chinese dish.