Thursday, July 9, 2009

General B.S.(A)

Scrounging through my closet this morning I found my old Cub Scout Leader shirt. Oldest wanted to be in Cub Scouts many moons ago, but the existing den was full, so another parent and I started a new one. Least, that's how I remember it. The atomization of the single family unit rendered any desire for the Twins to participate in Mr. Baden-Powell's crew unreachable. 'Course, the Twins never showed any interest in Scouting. Maybe they knew that Dwight Hansen- the mean step-dad played by Robert DeNiro in This Boy's Life- was also a Scout Leader. He knew a thing or two about Scouting.


Mr. Matt said...

Safe scouting in NOOO Accident!

superdave524 said...

Mr. Bill reference, mayhaps?

Chase Squires said...

Did tons of camping/hiking as a kid, built boats, built fires, caught fish, ate said fish over said fires ... never did the scout thing. I think I grew up in the village scouting was developed by Disney to recreate.

superdave524 said...

Actual reality: what a concept. Disney is camping without the insects (do you remember that Lost in Space where aliens mine Dr. Smith's mind for a recreation of earth and there were huge mosquitos and no people?).