Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pleas, please help me.

The Boro is in the midst of another term of criminal court. A couple of scheduled trials, including one of mine, ended with guilty pleas. There is a litany of questions the judge has to ask before sentencing to determine whether the Defendant understands the process and is making an informed and voluntary decision to plead guilty: Are you under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Are you completely satisfied with the services of your lawyer? Has he done everything you've asked him to do? Do you understand that you have a right to a trial by jury where the State would have to prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? ...and on and on for ten or fifteen minutes. It is necessary, but becomes tedious when you've heard it hundreds and hundreds of times. Private attorneys can do their thing, then bolt; Public Defenders have to be in court. When I'm not representing a Defendant who's pleading guilty, I'm looking at their backside. I see a lot of backsides. The upside of the backsides is that I have something to doodle, anyway.


Chase Squires said...

Lemme tell ya, the reporter in the galleries behind you ... every bit as bored!

superdave524 said...

But at least you guys weren't just ten feet away from Defendant-ass.

jrtnutt said...

You could get a second job as a court room artist.

superdave524 said...

Thanks, Tam. I sure seem to have the time. I drew a few others. Maybe I'll post a couple more.

kate said...

So it is you drawing. Good work, man!

Nice to know you have something to fall back on should this lawyer-ing thing not work out.

superdave524 said...

That's what the Clerk told me, Kate. I do love to doodle, but couldn't make a living at it (shoot, I barely make a living as a lawyer).