Monday, June 1, 2009


I saw many marvelous sights on Sunday. There are miracles all over the place, even at Denny's in Point South. Check out the baby birdies. Photo credits to Cathy/a.k.a. Sunny.


Star said...

Spring has sprung!

superdave524 said...


kate said...

So sweet.

Chase Squires said...

We've been trying to knock down a pigeon nest from the eaves ... then noticed baby birds in it, dammit ... now we have to wait until they're gone.

superdave524 said...

Thanks, Kate.

Baby any-things are cute, Chase. God does that so Ted Nugent will let some animals live.

John in IL said...

Nature is sweet until it invades your personal space. Baby racoons in the attic. Baby bats in the eaves (and in the house). Don't get me started on squirrels...

superdave524 said...

John, my daughter once tried to doctor a baby bat back to health. Creepy little thing, the bat was. Sadly, Caroline was not successful.