Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" Smackdown 3: Angel Heart

Our previous entry was from 1987; today's contestant is also from 1987. Angel Heart stars Mickey Rourke as a "hard-boiled" private detective, Harry Angel. Angel is hired by Louis Cypher, played by Robert DeNiro, to find a fellow named Johnny Favorite, so Cypher can collect a debt. Johnny Favorite's daughter, Epiphany Proudfoot, played by Lisa Bonet, is the key to finding Favorite. New Orleans, murder, dark imagery and satanic sacrifice all figure prominently in this less-than-cheery film (which gave me nightmares for months). Does Angel find Johnny Favorite? Well, you know the theme of the Smackdown, don't you? Apparently, 1987 was a good year for self-discovery. This film, and the previous two, are all I had in mind for this Smackdown. If anyone has any other nominees, speak now, or forever hold your peace.


Mr. Matt said...

Louis should have hired Fred, Velma, and the gang. Those medling kids seem to come up with all the answers!

superdave524 said...

Funny stuff, AndyMan.

Star said...

"Epiphany Proudfoot?" Sounds more like porn to me.

superdave524 said...

There are a couple of scenes that nearly qualify...

John in IL said...

lmao Andy.

and I forgot how hot Mickey Rourke was.

superdave524 said...

He has a scene with Lisa Bonet that... well, it was, er, memorable. But REALLY creepy, when you figure out the story.

Mr. Matt said...

Ok, none of this once hot always hot stuff on Mickey Rourke. I offer Spun and the 2009 The Wrestler as evidence that Mickey Rourke can be called "was" hot.

Fred from Scooby Doo though, still hot!

superdave524 said...

Thelma doesn't look so great in the comics, but is smokin' in the film version.