Saturday, April 26, 2008

I Love a Parade!

It's festival season in the lowcountry of South Carolina. Summerville recently wrapped up it's Azalea Festival (well, I think they call it "Flowerville" or something, but it's all about the azaleas). St. George had its Grits Festival. In the Summer we'll have Beaufort's Water Festival and Yemassee's shrimp festival, and in the Fall Hilton Head will have a seafood festival and Ridgeland its Gopher Hill Festival. Right now, the Boro is having its Rice Festival. Fireworks last night (actually, quite good, thank you). The parade was this morning. Though the Lads were at their mamma's house, I decided to check it out anyway. His Honor, Mayor Sweat, recently back from the hospital after a freak accident where he was hit by a rogue golfcart. What's a rice festival without the Mahatma Rice Maharaja? Fortunately, we can only speculate. Awwww. Cute. I dig the Red Hat ladies! Alright, let's see if that band video worked out...
Doesn't look like it. Oh, well.


Dr. Maguse said...

whoa! is that the soothsayer character from Super Mario Bros.?

superdave524 said...

The Maharaja gets around.

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun (and I'm jealous of your leaves).

and who knew they grew rice in SC?

superdave524 said...

We don't grow much any more, but back in the 1700's, baby, watch out!

Mr. Matt said...

I don't like parades. I think them drunken pirates from Gasparilla when we were kids traumatized me or something. Don't like crowds, loud noises, or marching bands, that about does it for parades.

Anonymous said...

And those Shriner's. They kinda scared me. With their tiny (loud) motorcycles and funny hats. What's with that? I call "cult".

superdave524 said...

Well, Ange, I guess understand why you never took me up on the Savannah St. Pat's celebrations invites. Course, with that, you get the added benefit of lots of sidewalk vomit.

...and I'm pretty sure the Shriners are a branch of the Masons, so, yeah, the cult thing...