Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years!

Let's face it: 2009 kinda sucked. Heck, the whole decade was kinda sorry, for that matter. The good news is that we get a new slate starting tomorrow. We also get a second full moon tonight. The extra moon is called a blue moon. Apparently, it has more to do with a mispronunciation of an old English word than the color of it, but, whatever. Anyway, it only happens every two or three years, so, that's got to bode well, right? Hey, I always liked the Marcels:

'Course, for you traditionalists, it's hard to beat Ella Fitzgerald:

Hope your New Year's Eve is good.


Star said...

Perhaps we should toast Blue Moon beers at midnight!

"Here's to hoping 2010 doesn't suck!"

Anonymous said...

A most Happy New Year to you and Diane, David!!! I am hoping for a better year in 2010 also!!! :)fdb

superdave524 said...

Hear, hear, Star and Frandy!

COL said...

2010, livin the zen. here's one for last year, one of my faves:

happy 2010 to you & yours SD!!

superdave524 said...

Thanks, Col (and Aretha is the bomb!).