Friday, December 4, 2009

Go To Jail. Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200.

I spend a lot of time at the Colleton County Detention Center. Many of my clients are unable to post their bail bonds, so they sit in jail until their case is called to trial. It probably wouldn't even help if they were allow out if they rolled doubles. Their luck is not too good, you see. I've got another week of criminal court next week. Some of those in jail now will be out next week; some of those that aren't in jail now, will be next week. And the beat goes on.

and on...


Star said...

1. I don't quite get the relationship between Sonny & Cher and the Black Eyed Peas. Then again, I don't get the Black Eyed Peas, period.

2. I never liked Monopoly. It just takes too dang long. But from the sounds of it, your clients have plenty of time.

superdave524 said...
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superdave524 said...

Actually, Star, I just put the Sonny and Cher/Black Eyed Peas up there to set up the All Seeing I. 'Course, if you really don't like the first one, you probably wouldn't watch the second one. Got to try to remember that...

Monopoly's okay. My clients prolly do have the time, but high finance is mostly not their gig.