Wednesday, July 6, 2011

There's Always Room for Cello.

Friday Lady Di and I trekked to North Charleston to see David Gray in concert. We've been to three shows at the North Charleston Performing Arts Center: Indigo Girls, Celtic Women and this one. Compare this to the shows I saw with my kids: AC/DC, Tom Petty, My Chemical Romance, Green Day. Hmm. Seems I'm trending Adult Contemporary of late. No matter. David Gray was great. I knew of Gray's circa 2000 hit "Babylon", but have only been following his recent music from Sirius/XM's "Coffee House". I knew Gray's voice would be sonorous, but I was very pleasantly surprised at how good his band was. There were guitars- acoustic, electric, steel and bass, piano, drums, bass violin, and, surprisingly, a cello. The music blended quite nicely into a genre defying blend of pop/rock/folk/electric/jazz. Whatever it was, it was good. The music was excellent. The songs were well written and well sung. The lighting highlighted the songs. The narratives between songs were even interesting. Gray, it seems, is British. This was not a problem. In fact, he seemed to be representing the "cool" sect of Great Britain. In case you've forgotten, here's his first hit:


Mr. Matt said...

I saw Lynne Gray running the other day, I think your experience was better.

superdave524 said...

I got gray issues, too, Ange.