Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Killer Tunes.

I was jamming to some Pop music on Sirius Radio the other day, and tuned in to a catchy tune. It was "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People. It even had whistling. Now, a tune with whistling has got to be good clean fun, right? Uh, not exactly. I looked up the lyrics and the song is about a kid that goes on a killing spree. This is not a new phenomenon: Warren Zevon did it in the 1970's with "Excitable Boy"; The Talking Heads did it in the 1980's with "Psycho Killer"; Pearl Jam did it in the 90's with "Jeremy". Oh, well, like they say, "Guns don't kill people; songs about guns kill people". Sumpin' like that...


jd bryan said...

And Springsteen and the Boomtown Rats. Hmmm. A playlist of psycho tunes?


superdave524 said...

I like it, J.D.! "I Don't like Mondays" is a classic. Who knew Bob Geldolf was secretly a humanitarian? What was the Bruce song?

Hmm. Anybody know any other psycho tune?

jd bryan said...


Maybe Steve Miller's "Take the Money and Run," definitely from a psychopathic point of view, though not a serial killer, at least not yet at the time of the song.

superdave524 said...

"Billy Mack is a sheriff down in Texas. You know he knows exactly what the facts is. He makes his livin' off of the people's taxes". Only Steve Miller would rhyme Texas, taxes and facts is...