Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union, Jack.

Okay, so President Obama mentioned South Korea three times to one shout-out for Russia (kind of cool for me, 'cause Oldest lives in Korea). And, did I dream it, or did he say we need to get rid of subsidies for Big Oil?


Anonymous said...

Anytime ANY politician doesn't like an entity they attach "Big" to it....but never big government. :) fdb
p.s. How does Davis like Korea? Most interesting, I would think.

superdave524 said...

What's the old saw? How do you know a politician is lying: his lips are moving! Anyway, Frandy, Davis loves living in Korea. His "hitch" teaching English is up in July, but he may stay another year.

Star said...

I really enjoy listening to our President speak. Its so refreshing after the last drone who served his term up there.

I also appreciated the fact that the two sides seemed to agree on most issues. That said, I can't imagine why anyone would want to get into politics...

superdave524 said...

I enjoyed the speech too, Star. Politics is a nasty business, and it's difficult to imagine that anyone who is successfuly managed to get there without making lots of compromises. I liked Clinton, the President, but didn't admire Clinton, the Man. I could take his "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" with a grain of salt; much like I'd imagine big Reagan fans accepted "I did not trade weapons for hostages". My pop was pretty conservative (well, in politics, if not lifestyle), and explained away the Nixon burglaries and dirty tricks as "everybody does it, he just got caught". Whatever gets you through the night, I guess.