Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Princess Caroline

I've developed an interest, of late, in my ancestry. I know my dad's mom's family came from Sweden, but I know next to nothing about my dad's dad's family. I've had a little better luck on my mom's side. Over New Year's weekend, I visited my mom's brother: my Uncle Bob. On occasion- and on this occasion- I inquire(d) as to our mutual heritage: the Blackfords. Alas, Uncle Bob has only been able to determine the Blackford line with certainty back, I think, to his great-great-great-grandfather whose parents met the fate that befell an alarming number of my kinsmen: "killed by Indians". With somewhat less certainty, but with reasonable surmise, he links us with the author of "War Years with Jeb Stuart", written by Lt. Col. W.W. Blackford, C.S.A., who was Major General Stuart's Adjutant during the Civil War. I'm looking forward to reading it (once I get done with "Peace Like a River").

Thanks to his (and my mom's) cousin Paula, I already know a great deal about my mom's mom's family. Cousin Paula put together an amazing text tracing several of her grand-parents' (my great-grandparents') lines back to Malcolm II, King of Scotland. Following the tradition of those Celtic Kings, he tacked on the prevailing genealogy of the time and traced the line back to (gulp) Adam and Eve. One day a few years ago, I passed this along to my daughter, Caroline, who told a boy that she kinda liked that she was descended from a Scottish King. Caroline's friend, Phillip, caused me more than a little pain, but I'll always be grateful for his response to Caroline's comment: "Gee, Caroline, you might be a Princess". Well, she's my Princess, anyway.


Terrie said...

If Phil finds out you've got a Confederate veteran ancestor he'll try and get you to join the Sons of Confederate Veterans! Happy New Year to you and Diane!

Anonymous said...

NOW you've done it, Dave!!! You know how relentless Phil can be! :)
We can trace our's from their arrival on the shores of N. America,but not much beyond, other than the countries from whence they came. One Revolution Vet & two Civil War Vets, one South and one North.....but not one King or Prince among them!! fdb

Mr. Matt said...

You're my bro, and I'm damn happy about! I don't really need more than that.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Andy! Summed up nicely! fdb

superdave524 said...

Guess I didn't think that one through, Terrie. Phil is, indeed, emphatic (ask any gator (or Gator)).

I'd bet you got some royalty in there, Frandy. Shoot, don't you have some Randolphs in there? They're Virginia royalty, anyway.

True enough, Bro. True enough.

Anonymous said...

=) thanks dad, i love you.

superdave524 said...

I love you, too, Sweetheart.