Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Name Game.

The Boro's receiving a visitor tomorrow. Amy Brock Martin is, according to Lady Di, all that and a bag of chips. I don't know her, but I like the lyrical quality of her name. The sound reminded me of a Beatles tune. Go ahead, give it a listen.


Diane said...

She is all that and a bag of chips. The unfortunately thing is that I can't get that song out of my head.

COL said...

i am confused ... what does ms. martin have to do with paperback writer by the beatles?

superdave524 said...

Gift Educator and role model? Why, I guess she is all that and a bag of chips!

Hmm. Guess I didn't do a very good job of 'splaining myself, Col. Say "Amy Brock Martin" out loud, then say Paper Back Writer out loud. The meter is the same. I know, this is weird. I didn't say I thought like normal people...

Terrie said...

I got it, David. I was singing "Amy Brock Martin" to the tune of Paperback Writer when I read your article. I never claimed to think like normal people either....

Diane said...

Hey Terrie, Here's to not thinking like normal people!

Mr. Matt said...

Jodi Noding, Jodi Noding, Robin Lane.

Dave Okamoto always use to sing the 1979 Leto Legend staff to the tune of "Frère Jacques"

He wasn't normal either, which is why we liked him, and him us (mostly!)

superdave524 said...

Now that's the stuff!